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If you’re looking to buy the perfect family holiday home in the UK here is a review of one of our most popular static caravans for sale. With lots of onsite caravans for sale at our holiday parks around the UK, it's hard to know which one makes the ideal holiday home. So take a look at our mini review of the ABI Summer Breeze Caravan, available to buy at all our parks and explore the wonders of this popular caravan.


The Summer Breeze is one of the most beautiful static caravans for sale right now, its stunning exterior and well-built interior make it the perfect choice for a caravan holiday home. Firstly, the exterior is extremely durable and made from aluminium cladding - so you don't need to worry about the quality. Not only will this give you good protection from the elements, but it’s also easy to maintain. The roof is made from steel pantile and is very high quality and long lasting. What people love most about the roof is that it gives the appearance of traditional tiles too. Inside this roof, you get 100mm insulation, to keep everyone warm and snug inside. The caravan is also fitted with domestic gutters and downpipes, to help you deal with any rain

This holiday home boasts 7ft high walls and a vaulted ceiling. Couple this with the open-plan lounge and kitchen, and you get an incredible amount of space. When it’s time to sit down and eat, there's traditional holiday home dinette-style seating to enjoy too.

The caravan is more than cosy with its domestic style beds and full central heating and double glazing, which makes for efficient heating while you’re inside. We all know how cold our British ‘summers’ can get, so this is very handy!

There are multiple versions of The Summer Breeze available for you to buy. They vary in bedroom and floor size. For the most part, you’re looking at a 2-bedroom onsite caravan here. However, there are a couple of 3-bedroom options for people with larger families. Take your pick of the options available.


The caravan includes everything you need from an onsite holiday home. Its natural bardolino oak wood and sand beige cupboards throughout make the perfect finish for a contemporary holiday home. With its comfort and space the ABI Summer Breeze is designed and well equipped to meet the needs of all the family. Just imagine relaxing in the lounge or catching some rays on the deck. There are lots of windows fitted to the Summer Breeze and at the front there is a stunning bay window to let lots of light and sunshine in. The caravan also has heated towel rails and central heating. The furnishings are all modern and light coloured to give all rooms a light, airy feel. The kitchen is the perfect space and fully fitted with an integrated oven and grill.

The Summer Breeze is a caravan that will give many years of enjoyable, happy holidays – your only decision is which of our stunning locations to buy one from.

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