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Booking Terms

1.       General

1.1.        Hoburne Limited (‘we/us’) acts as an agent for the various Hoburne Group/Burry and Knight companies operating the individual parks and for private individual owners of holiday accommodation. When we accept your booking, a binding contract will be made between the person making the booking together with all adult members of his or her party (‘you’) and the owner of the property for which the booking is made and incorporates the conditions set out below.

1.2.        Please note that no touring bookings will be accepted less than 24 hours before the intended holiday commencement date other than by agreement with the park General Manager.

 2.       Authority to contract

2.1.        You certify that you are over the age of 18 years; and will be a member of the party occupying the holiday accommodation; and are authorised to agree these booking conditions on behalf of all members of your party so as to bind all of you by them and so that each of you shall be liable for your obligations under the contract.

 3.       Payment

3.1.        The contract is made only when your booking is accepted by us. On acceptance, we will send you a booking confirmation form.

3.2.        We reserve the right to refuse any booking without explanation. We require a deposit of £50. If the value of the booking is under £50, then it must be paid in full at the time of booking. If the start date of your proposed holiday is less than 60 days from the date of booking, then the full payment is required at the time of booking.

3.3.        You must pay the balance (if any) of the cost of your holiday to us not less than 60 days before the commencement of the holiday. If you do not pay any outstanding balance of the cost of your holiday by the due date (see above) we may treat you as having cancelled your booking. Payment will only have been made under this contract when the monies have cleared into our bank account. You must allow for any reasonable delays in cheque clearance.

4.       Cancellation

4.1.        If you wish to cancel your booking you should advise us immediately by telephone and then send us a confirmatory letter or email – cancellations@hoburne.com. We will incur additional administration costs when you cancel your booking and we may be unable to re-let the accommodation or pitch. Therefore we make a cancellation charge on the following scale:

Number of days before arrival date that notification is received

Cancellation charge as % of total holiday cost

More than 60

Loss of deposit

More than 50 but not more than 60

50% of all monies paid

More than 42 but not more than 50

75% of all monies paid

42 days or less

100% of all monies paid

4.2.        You are not entitled to any refund if you or any of your guests leave before the end of your holiday unless clause 7.2 – 7.5 applies or we are in serious breach of our obligations in these terms and conditions. If we are in serious breach of our obligations, we will refund you for the days of the holiday which have not been taken.

4.3.        We may also cancel your holiday if you breach any of these terms and conditions. Clauses 5.1 and 5.2 give further details.

4.4.        Notice period for receipt of written cancellations are periods calculated from the start date of your holiday.

4.5.        Cancellation charges are per unit of accommodation or touring and camping pod.

Our Holiday Cancellation Scheme is optional but is strongly recommended – see Holiday Cancellation Scheme for more details.

5.       Cancelling the booking because you are in breach of these terms and conditions

5.1.        We may cancel your holiday if you are in serious breach of your obligations in these terms and conditions and the breach is not capable of being remedied or is such that it causes a breakdown in the relationship between you and us (for example violence or intentional damage to property), by serving upon you reasonable notice in writing to cancel your booking. In deciding what period of notice is reasonable, we shall have due regard to the nature of the breach and other relevant circumstances. In appropriate cases, this may mean requiring you to leave the Park immediately.

5.2.        If you are in breach of any of your obligations under these terms and conditions which is capable of being remedied (for example, a failure to comply with the behaviour standards in clause 19 which has not caused a breakdown in the relationship between you and us) we may write giving you warning, specifying the breach and asking you to remedy the breach within a reasonable and specified time. If you do not comply with that warning and the breach is either serious and/or amounts to persistent breaches of obligation, which taken individually would be minor but which taken together cause a breakdown in the relationship between you and us, we are entitled to write to you to cancel your booking. In appropriate cases, the warning we give you may be very short and we may then require you to leave the Park immediately.

5.3.        If we cancel your booking under clauses 5.1 or 5.2 you will only be entitled to a refund if a third party takes up your booking. In that event, we will refund you up to the money we receive for the re-booking less our reasonable administration charges.

6.       Cancellation by us

6.1.        In circumstances beyond our control (e.g. Damage, non-routine maintenance, flood, fire, pandemic, etc.), we may have to cancel your booking. If we do so we will tell you as soon as possible prior to your holiday date and you may either choose to receive a full refund or accept an alternative holiday with us, but you will have no further claim against us.

6.1.1.       If you accept an alternative holiday, the advertised price for which is higher than your original booking then an additional payment will be required.

6.1.2.       If the advertised price of the alternative holiday is less than your original booking, then any difference you have already paid will be refunded.

6.2.        We also reserve the right to change your allocated accommodation or pitch either on arrival or during your stay, this will be to a similar or higher standard of accommodation or pitch.

7.       Changes caused by exceptional circumstances

7.1.        We may make reasonable changes to our Services. Our changes may reflect changes in relevant laws, guidance and regulatory requirements or implement minor technical adjustments and improvements, for example, to address a health and safety risk.

7.2.        If we make changes which mean we can only provide your holiday in a radically different way, we will give you the choice between confirming your booking, agreeing new booking dates with us or cancelling. We prefer that you postpone rather than cancel but will always allow you to cancel where the law gives you the right to do so.

7.3.        Either of us has the right to cancel your holiday, or any unused days, if the law prevents you from visiting or staying with us or because we are no longer able to provide your holiday for any other reason outside our control. Again, we prefer that you postpone but will always allow you to cancel where the law gives you the right to do so.

7.4.        If you decide to cancel in any of these circumstances and your holiday has not started, then we will refund your booking including any deposit. If your holiday has started, then we will refund any days unused. We will not charge an administration fee, and we will only deduct any costs we have already incurred which we cannot recover elsewhere (“Direct Costs”). We will not be liable to make any other payment to you.

7.5.        Either of us may also cancel your holiday, or any unused days if Government guidance means that you should not visit or stay with us, even if the law still allows you to do so. If we cancel and your holiday has not started, then we will refund your booking in full including any deposit. If your holiday has started, then we will refund in full any days unused when we cancel. We will not charge an administration fee and we will not deduct any Direct Costs. If you cancel in these circumstances, we will refund on the same basis but may deduct any Direct Costs. In neither case will we be liable to make any other payment to you.

8.       Changing your booking

8.1.        If you want to make a minor change to any of the details of your booking e.g. standard or changing the name of a member of your party, we will do our best to assist you, subject to availability. There will be no charge for minor changes.

8.2.        A change of dates, or any change that affects the price of your holiday, will be treated as a major change. Major changes made at least 60 days prior to the start date of your holiday will incur an administration charge of £20.00.

8.3.        Major changes made within 60 days of the start date of your holiday will be treated as a cancellation – see clause 5 for cancellation charges.

9.       Prices

9.1.        All advertised prices are correct at the time of publication; however, we reserve the right to alter or amend our published prices so long as you are notified before we accept your booking. If we make the change after you request your booking, we will allow you to withdraw your request without charge.

9.2.        Our published tariffs include VAT at the then-applicable rate. We reserve the right to amend our prices to reflect any change in the rate of VAT or if any new taxes, levies, or duties are imposed on your holiday.

9.3.        Weeks can commence on a Friday or Monday.

10.   Special offers and discounts

10.1.    Discounts and special offers may be offered in conjunction with our advertised prices. All discounts and special offers are subject to availability and may be withdrawn without prior notice.

10.2.    Only one discount or special offer may be added per booking. Discounts and special offers will only be applied if mentioned by you during the booking process and cannot be applied retrospectively.

11.   Special requests

11.1.    We will do our best to meet any reasonable special requests, regarding the location of the holiday accommodation, however, we cannot guarantee to do so.

12.   Entertainment Complex

12.1.    Where there is a complex at the park the price of your holiday includes temporary complex membership for the duration of your stay.

12.2.    Temporary day visitors are not permitted to use the complex or its facilities unless prior authorisation is obtained from the General Manager of the relevant park and on payment of the applicable fee. Due to increased pressure on club facilities, authorisation will not normally be granted during any bank holiday periods or the period July to September (school summer holidays).

12.3.    The complex rooms are sometimes reserved for private functions during early and late season and alternative arrangements are then made for holiday visitors.

13.   Park and complex rules

13.1.    You and each member of your party agree to abide by the rules and regulations laid down by us in respect of the relevant park and complex. We will be pleased to provide copies on request. A link can be found on our website, www.hoburne.com/rules.

13.2.    It may be necessary or desirable to change the Park Rules from time to time, including for reasons of health and safety, the efficient running of the Park, environmental issues, local authority requirements, and/or changes in law or regulations or in the interpretation of law and regulations imposed upon us.

13.3.    Any changes made to the Park Rules after we accept your booking may affect you because you will be required to comply with the changed Park Rules, but will not affect anything else to which you are entitled under these booking terms and conditions

14.   Pets

14.1.    All parks welcome well-trained dogs and offer a selection of dog-friendly holiday homes. You may bring a maximum of two dogs if you have booked one of these dog-friendly units.

14.2.    Touring caravan pitches at Hoburne Blue Anchor and Hoburne Devon Bay also accept a maximum of two dogs per pitch. For further information please contact the park direct before booking.

14.3.    Subject to clause 14.7, under no circumstances will we allow any dog (except guide dogs or a specially trained assistance dog) to be taken into facilities or around the swimming pool, playground areas, golf course, football field or other selected areas, unless specified. If you need to bring a guide dog or specially trained assistance dog to any of our parks, please notify us at the time of booking. Please note, you may encounter pets on any of our parks.

14.4.    Some breeds of dog (including those banned pursuant to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991) are not allowed. Please provide us with the details of the breed of your dog when you book.

14.5.    All dogs must be kept on a lead and under strict control, unless in a sign-posted designated walking area.

14.6.    Dogs must be accompanied by a responsible adult who must pick up after their dogs and make use of the dog litter bins provided.

14.7.    Nothing in these booking terms and conditions prevents you from keeping an assistance dog or guide dog if this is required to support your disability and if Assistance Dogs UK, The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association or any successor body has issued you with an Identification Book or other appropriate evidence. 

14.8. Further to clause 14.7, we allow assistance dogs in our holiday accommodation where this is required to support a disability. This extends to all our holiday accommodation, whether or not the accommodation is designated as ‘dog friendly’. We therefore cannot guarantee that our holiday accommodation has never had a dog in it. If this is a concern due to a dog allergy, please contact the park prior to booking and we can discuss your needs and the options available. Where possible, we will make reasonable adjustments as required.

15.   Guests with mobility difficulties

15.1.    Many of our parks offer a limited number of accommodations that have been adapted for guests with mobility difficulties. Some parks are more suitable than others for those with particular disabilities. If your party includes someone with additional needs, please let us know prior to booking and we’ll be pleased to offer further advice.

16.   Arrival and departure times

16.1.    Checking in times, vary by type of accommodation. For all accommodation, please check your booking confirmation details. All accommodation must be vacated by 10 am on the day of departure.

16.2.    Touring pitches are available from 12 noon on the day of arrival and must be vacated by 10 am on the day of departure.

16.3.    Please bring your booking confirmation on arrival. Any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our booking team on 01425 282358.

17.   Swimming pools and hot tubs

17.1.     Swimming Pools

17.1.1.   Any child under the age of 8 years and any non-swimmer under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by an adult in the water at all times. No more than 2 children under the age of 8 years per supervising adult.

17.1.2.   No more than 1 child under the age of 4 years per supervising adult in the water.

17.1.3.   You must follow the rules that are applicable for the use of the swimming pool. The rules are displayed at the swimming pool.

17.2.    Hot Tubs

17.2.1.    You must not allow children under the age of 4 or those unable to keep their head above the water level when sitting, to use the hot tub.

17.2.2.   You must follow the rules that are applicable for the hot tub. The rules are displayed by the hot tub.

18.   Number & composition of your party

18.1.    The maximum number of guests permitted to occupy all types of accommodation is strictly limited to the number of berths provided and this includes babies and children.

18.2.    The maximum occupancy of touring pitches is 6, including babies and children.

18.3.    Details on the number of berths available in different categories of accommodation, please refer to your booking confirmation or our website.

18.4.    The maximum stay at all Hoburne parks is 3 consecutive weeks.

18.5.    We will not accept your booking if your group does not have a person over 18 in it, nor will we accept hen or stag parties except by prior arrangement with the General Manager of the park. We may require you to show proof of age on arrival at the park.

18.6.    We will not accept bookings from sports tour groups or groups connected with any sporting activity, without prior written consent of Park Management.

18.7.    If you do not comply with these conditions, we have the right to cancel your booking or require you to leave the park and you will not be entitled to any refund of monies paid for your holiday.

18.8.    If you would like to book more than one unit, please call our customer service centre on 01425 282358.

19.   Behaviour

19.1.    You agree to, and you must make sure that you, your party and any visitors (including, in each case, their children) keep to, the following standards of behaviour:

19.2.    To act in a courteous and considerate manner towards us, our staff and anyone visiting, using or working on the Park including other customers.

19.3.    To supervise children so that they are not a nuisance or danger to themselves or other people using the Park.

19.4.    Not to:

19.4.1.   Commit any criminal offence (whether or not on the Park or in its vicinity) which could cause your name to be entered on the Violent and Sex Offender Register or could cause you to be subject to a Risk of Sexual Harm Order or Child Abduction Warning Notice (or any register, order or notice succeeding these);

19.4.2.   Use the Park in connection with any criminal activity or commit any other criminal offence (i.e. any offence not already subject to clause 19.4.1) at the Park or in its vicinity;

19.4.3.   Commit any acts of vandalism or nuisance on the Park;

19.4.4.   Use fireworks on the Park;

19.4.5.   Keep or carry any firearm or any other weapon on the Park;

19.4.6.   Keep or use any unlawful drugs on the Park;

19.4.7.   Create undue noise or disturbance or commit antisocial behaviour on the Park;

19.4.8.   Carry on any trade or business at the Park;

19.4.9.   Permit anyone who is to your knowledge on the Violent and Sex Offender Register or subject to a Risk of Sexual Harm Order or a Child Abduction Warning Notice (or any register, order or notice succeeding these) to use or visit the Park.

19.5.    You agree that if you or any of your family members or visitors or guests whom you have invited to the Park break the behaviour standards listed above then we may terminate your booking.

20.   Vehicles

20.1.    You must comply with all park speed limits as indicated on the individual parks and as referred to in the park rules.

20.2.    You must not bring any sign-written van, commercial vehicle, boat or trailer onto any of our parks unless you have first obtained authorisation from the General Manager of the park concerned, who shall be entitled to refuse consent without giving any reason.

20.3.    You are entitled to park one vehicle only* on the park in an area designated by us for the duration of your stay. Visitors cars and additional cars are allowed only at the discretion of the park management and must be booked in at reception.

*Two vehicles in the case of four-bedroom accommodation.

20.4.    Electric cars must only be charged in a designated charging area, specified by the park where available.

21.   Accommodation

21.1.    Accommodation must be left in a clean and tidy condition. You will be responsible for all damage done or loss sustained during your stay.

We or our authorised representatives may enter your accommodation or pitch at any time for any reasonable purpose. If we need to do so we will give you as much notice as possible, except in an emergency.

21.2.    We hold a key to all the accommodation we own or manage on the Park.

21.3.    If you are staying in our accommodation, we may use the key for any purpose authorised by you, for example, if you ask us to give access to an authorised visitor.

21.4.    We may also use the key in an emergency, such as an immediate concern for the health and safety of any person, to carry out urgent repairs or preventative work, or to check and secure the accommodation if it appears to be insecure.

21.5.    We will take reasonable care when accessing any accommodation.

22.   Children

22.1.    You are responsible for the welfare and behaviour of any members of your party who are under the age of 18 years whilst they are on the park.

22.2.    You must ensure that a responsible adult accompanies children under 8 years at all times. Children under 12 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult in the complex after 7 pm.

23.   Touring pitches

23.1.    Most (but not all) of our touring pitches will accommodate an awning. Only one awning is allowed per pitch and it may be no deeper than three metres.

23.2.    Awnings must comply with the terms of the local authority site licence as displayed at the park.

23.3.    Ground sheets placed on grass must be breathable and lifted daily. Only one gazebo with the sides removed is allowed per pitch at Hoburne Blue Anchor.

23.4.    Gazebos are not permitted at Hoburne Devon Bay.

23.5.    Sleeping in either awnings or the gazebo is prohibited.

23.6.    Flags cannot be erected on any touring pitch without prior approval of the General Manager.

23.7.    Electric touring pitches have a maximum of 16 amp supply.

24.   Site licence

24.1.    You must observe the conditions of the Site Licence, a copy of which is displayed in the reception area of each park. We will be pleased to provide you with a copy on request.

25.   Inclement weather

25.1.    Subject to clause 7.2, you will not be entitled to any refund as a result of inclement weather conditions.

26.   Call recording

26.1.    Calls to Hoburne Ltd may be recorded and used for security and training purposes.

27.   Park locations

27.1.    Our parks are in country or seaside locations and as a result, we try to preserve the rural character. Therefore, the park may have uneven ground, unmade-up tracks, paths and limited lighting. Some have lakes, rivers, clifftops and other features so please ensure children are properly supervised.

27.2.    Due to the locations, most parks have various wildlife present and we ask that you respect all wildlife (in particular birds in nesting seasons) and refrain from feeding them.

28.   Visitors

28.1.    Only people lawfully visiting with your permission have permission to enter the park.

28.2.    Your visitors must leave the park by 11 pm.

28.3.    It is your responsibility to ensure that your visitors and all occupiers of your holiday home adhere to the park rules.

29.   Clothes lines

29.1.    Only the hook-on window, or compact freestanding rotary type, may be used.

29.2.    Laundry and drying facilities are available on some parks.

30.   Liability

30.1.    We do not accept responsibility if you suffer loss, illness, injury, or death unless it is due to our negligence or that of our employees, agents or officers.

30.2.    You must take particular care of your personal belongings whilst they are on the park.

31.   Smoking policy

31.1.    It is illegal to smoke inside enclosed public buildings.

31.2.    Smoking is also forbidden in all of our holiday accommodation; however, we cannot guarantee that any accommodation has always been smoke-free.

31.3.    E-cigarettes are not permitted in enclosed public areas or accommodation.

32.   Barbecues

32.1.    You are permitted to operate any type of conventional BBQ, such as a coal or gas-powered BBQ, as long as you keep it raised off the ground.

32.2.    You must not use any barbecue directly on the grass, decking or inside your holiday home.

32.3.    Be respectful of other guests and keep your BBQ at a sensible distance from yours and others holiday homes.

32.4.    Open fires, fire pits of any kind, are not permitted on our parks.

32.5.    You are responsible for any damage or remedial works required as a result of barbecue misuse.

33.   Personal Data

33.1.    All personal data submitted in connection with this agreement will be processed by the Hoburne Group for the purposes of administering and managing the agreement. Hoburne is committed to protecting the privacy of all participants. Data that is collected from you will be used in accordance with the Hoburne and Burry & Knight Group Privacy Policy, a copy of which can be found at https://www.hoburne.com/privacy-policy/.

34.   Marketing accuracy

34.1.    Whilst all care is taken to ensure the details in our brochure and on our website are correct at the time of publication, we reserve the right to make changes to suspend or withdraw any advertised facility, entertainment, amenity or service.

34.2.    The photography in the brochure and on the website is intended for guidance only. Any off-park attraction that is listed is subject to the operator’s relevant opening times, restrictions and prices.

35.   Miscellaneous

35.1.    This agreement is personal to the parties named in the booking and cannot be transferred– but see the section entitled Changing Your Booking.

35.2.    If you or any member of your party breaches their obligations under this agreement we may take action against all or any of you.

35.3.    Should any part of this agreement be void then it shall be disregarded and the remainder will continue in full force and effect.

35.4.    This agreement shall be subject to English law and to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

35.5.    We reserve the right to request identification for all holiday bookings on arrival. The identification must be for the lead guest of the holiday booking.

36.   Communications

36.1.    We agree that any letters or other communications between us shall be sent using the details for us and for you on the Booking Form. Email may be used.

37.   How to contact us

37.1.    If you need to contact us, please call our team on 01425 282358, email them at enquiries@hoburne.com or write to: Customer Services, Hoburne Ltd, 10 Hoburne Lane, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 4HP.

38.   Putting it right

38.1.    We are passionate about creating memories to treasure. We want everyone who stays with us to enjoy a superb break. But we know that now and then things don’t go entirely to plan – and we are committed to getting your holiday back on track quickly.

In the unlikely event that you are not happy with anything, please tell us so we can do something about it:

38.1.1.   Talk to our reception team and they will do all they can to resolve your issue fast.

38.1.2.   Don’t be afraid to ask for the General Manager or Duty Manager if you feel speaking to them would help. They can come and talk through any problem at a time that suits you.

38.1.3.   If you feel the park has been unable to resolve your concern, please email our Customer Service Centre at enquiries@hoburne.com and they will get back to you within 48 hours.

38.1.4.   If any reported matter is not resolved during your stay, the person who is the lead name on the booking should notify us in writing within 28 days after the end of your holiday.

38.1.5.   We value the opportunity to solve any problems experienced fairly and effectively. It may not be possible to investigate or solve any problems which are only brought to the attention of our General Manager or a Duty Manager after you have left.

Holiday Cancellation Scheme

What is the scheme?

Your booking is a legally binding contract and like all contracts you should protect yourself in case things go wrong. We provide an optional Holiday Cancellation Scheme, under which we will refund certain costs and/or waive our right to a cancellation charge. If you wish to participate in this scheme you must do so at the time that you make your booking or within the following 7 days.

Should you opt out of the Holiday Cancellation Scheme any money paid towards your holiday booking including any rental of extras are non-refundable and non-transferable.

If you indicate when booking that you wish to participate in the scheme then the fee will be added to your initial deposit. The scheme fee will depend upon the cost of your holiday, as follows: -

Holiday Cost*

Holiday Cancellation Scheme Fee*

Up to £99


£100 - £199


£200 - £299


£300 - £399


£400 - £499


£500 - £599


£600 - £699


£700 - £799


£800 - £899


£900 and over


*Per unit of accommodation or touring pitch.


·         If you cancel more than 60 days before the scheduled commencement date of your holiday we will refund your deposit and any other monies you have paid us in respect of the holiday, except the Holiday Cancellation Scheme Fee.

·         If you cancel between 59 and 8 days before the scheduled commencement date of your holiday, we will refund all monies you have paid us in respect of the holiday, except the Holiday Cancellation Scheme fee and an administration charge of £50.00 inclusive of VAT. We will also waive your obligation to pay us the relevant cancellation charge (see Booking Conditions).

·         If you cancel less than 8 days before the scheduled commencement date of your holiday, we will refund 50% of all monies you have paid us in respect of the holiday, except the Holiday Cancellation Scheme fee inclusive of VAT.


You must let us know immediately by telephone once you know that you will have to cancel your holiday, however, your cancellation will only take effect once we receive written confirmation by the lead person who made the booking. Provided we receive this within 48 hours of your telephone call we will treat the date of the phone call as the date of cancellation.


The holiday cancellation scheme is not a policy of insurance, nor does it replicate all of the features of a typical holiday insurance policy. If you require insurance cover then you should contact an insurance broker authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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